Friday, December 2, 2011


A couple of weeks ago I was asked to be a dancer in a Killers music video. Our part took almost 10 hours to film but we had lots of fun in our down time! If you are trying to find me, sorry it's difficult because I'm so short, but I have on a white top, and the guy I'm dancing with has a bowler hat. (It's kind of like Where's Waldo!)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Old Lady Hobbies

Over the past couple of months I have been working on a set of quilts for my Dear Sweets and I. They were an early Christmas surprise, so I couldn't post pictures (even though I have been so excited about them) until I made my trip up to Provo. I had so much fun picking out colors and fabric for two of my favorite people. The idea started almost a year ago when I made a quilt set for my little sister Hailee. The pattern was fun and easy. Ashley and Leslie came down when it was almost done, and while showing them another quilt that I was working on (which is still not done) Ashley laughed and said she wanted one next. Little did they know that I had already started collecting fabric for both of their quilts I just hadn't decided on a pattern yet. When they said they liked Hailee's pattern, it was perfect.

I started cutting their fabric a few days after they went home. I wanted these quilts to be very personalized so I found fabrics and patterns that represented each of their unique interests and personalities.

I also added a fun little monogram on the bottom corner that included the initials of our nicknames. (Ashley=Baby, Leslie=Nestle & Me= Dear Sweet)

I also added a single row in the quilt that had the same polka dotted fabric so that each of us would have fabric from the other two quilts included in ours. I had soo much fun with these, and was glad that they agreed to open them a month before Christmas, because I couldn't stand waiting any longer!

I am in the middle of finishing mine, who knows when I will finish it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Las Vegas Ragnar

Goodness in Picture form...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm a Gryffindor

I love Harry Potter. (Yes, I am an adult. No, I am not ashamed of this.) Upon discovering that Pottermore (if you don't know what Pottermore is click HERE) sorted you into houses, I started getting nervous. In all reality I thought I would be a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, and I was perfectly fine with this. I have always thought of myself more as a bookish or hardworking person as opposed to brave. But I was sorted into Gryffindor, and as such could be myself (wearing Hogwarts stuff) for Halloween. And I may or may not routinely paint my nails scarlet and gold just because. I was wondering though a friends blog this morning and found this... and thought I would share. I thought it was amusing... not necessarily true, but funny.


G e n e r a l - P e r s o n a l i t y

The traits stated for Gryffindors are bravery, chivalry and nerve. This stands very true deep into their heart, and their curse in life is that they really would die for something they truly love, or do anything they could to be sure they are safe. However, Gryffindors vary in their way of showing this passion. Some are up front, kind and caring though at times coming onto very strong. This is a loveable thing, though, and these are the Gryffindors that often are popular, having many friends and admirers. Then, there are the others, who are a bit rough around the edges. It doesn’t change what is in their heart, it simply means that they are more opinionated than most, and somewhere in their past someone told them that being as emotional as they are is a bad thing, so they hide it. They try to keep their emotions at bay and just show how strong they are, how incapable they are of breaking. These are the Gryffindors that put up a wall, and if you can connect with them, this wall falls easily.

P o s i t i v e - & - N e g a t i v e - T r a i t s

The most positive of traits in Gryffindors are their purity. This doesn’t mean that they are all around perfect and good, it just means they have high moral standards, and instinctively want to do the right thing. Whether the right thing is really theright thing, that is left up to debate, but it is what feels correct to them, and it works for them. The positive aspects of this instinct are their bravery and strong will, because Gryffindors are often doers, not thinkers. They will not sit and weigh the aspects of what is best for them, they only understand a need and wish to fulfill it, no matter the costs.

Gryffindors are, of course, undoubtedly loyal, and this is another positive aspect of them. They are not the type of people to give up on you and run away when the going gets rough, they will stick with you until the very end. If you are in a hard place and need someone to carry you through it, a Gryffindor is ideal to befriend. That said, this can also greatly reflect a negative part of them, as their need to stick with others and help them can cause them to forget themselves. A Gryffindor can only forget their own needs for a certain amount of time, before the lion begins to get restless, and the inner growing roar of their emotions begins to pool into their stomach. Gryffindors are probably the most emotional of all of the houses, so they need an outlet, and if they can’t get one, their impulsive attitude can back up on them, and they will lash out, doing and saying things they will later regret.

Gryffindors have a tendency to put their foot in their mouth, because they do not often think before they speak. Their intentions are not often to truly hurt another person, they are just the type of people the get caught in the moment, in the web of the environment, and this can cause them to do things they don’t really intend. Their regrets hurt them very often, because once they have time to actually think about them, their emotions take hold and their guilt is nearly unbearable. This is why lions often go nonstop, to make sure they don’t have to feel those unwanted feelings.

C o m m o n - S t a r - S i g n s

A very common star or sun sign for a Gryffindor is, you guessed it, a Leo. This is because the lions work well together, forming a family in your inner workings, in casing your heart in a shield of love, bravery and friendship. For more driven Gryffindors, Aries is also a common sign, as well as Aquarius and Sagittarius.

H o b b i e s

Gryffindors are unstoppable forces, generally very active in their ways. Adventure becomes them, and they are always looking for new and interesting ways to feel free and beautiful. They are often the first ones to give a go at more risky forms of fun, such as sky diving or rock climbing. They are also the most athletic of all the houses, especially when it comes to team sports, as they love the idea of collaboration and working together toward a common goal. The sports they very often tend to are basketball, baseball/softball, and volleyball. Other non-athletic hobbies that are common for Gryffindors are non-fiction writing (sometimes for publication, such as journalism), scary movie marathons and meddling into some household science.

F r i e n d s h i p s

Gryffindors can make some of the best friends, while simultaneously making some of the worst. They are, at their best, loyal and loving, willing to do anything for you. Friendship is a very important matter to them, as they consider their friends to be part of their family, and expect the very same in return. So, when they feel betrayed, it hits them hard, and their impulsive attributes can cause them to do things they don’t mean. They are the type to spread rumours that are untrue when they are hurt, or tell secrets you entrusted them with, simply so you can feel as hurt as they do. Though they may often judge Slytherins for it, Gryffindors are just as well adjusted to the ideal of an eye for an eye. They make fun friends, but keep watch of what you say, you may regret it later.

I n t i m a t e - R e l a t i o n s h i p s

The way a Gryffindor behaves in a romantic relationship is very similar to the way they behave in a friendship, but it is toned down slightly, rather than increased, as they hold friends above romance. They are often committed when happy, and will hold you high on their pedestal, loving you with all their heart. If you hurt them, they may lash out in a moment of emotional heartbreak, but once they calm down they will apologize and love you all the same, if you will have them. The problem with relationships with Gryffindors is that they are incredibly independent in their mindset, and do not think highly of the idea of sharing, which is ideal in a relationship. They also do not value romance as their number one priority, so if you want someone who is there for you and nothing more, it ain’t them, babe.

T y p o l o g y

The average typology for a Gryffindor is ESFJ (Extrovert-Sensing-Feeling-Judging). This varies for everyone, of course, but by nature Gryffindors are often outgoing and social, with high empathy levels and moral standards. They love others, but also hold themselves above the rest without realizing it.

A b n o r m a l - P s y c h o l o g y

Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.

Gryffindors can have a tendency to be unconsciously narcissistic, thinking they are superior and putting others down, whilst consistently patting themselves on the back. They are also very prone to black and white (borderline) thinking, simply believing what they believe, and coldly opposing of any opinions that are not their own. Gryffindors are more likely to have attention span problems, as they do not always find academics to their liking, and may space out thinking of things that concern them, rather than paying attention to what they need to know. Gryffindors are rarely prone to depression but when they begin to feel down, they become incredibly dependent, almost to the stage of being clingy toward their friends. If you know a Gryffindor acting like this, reassure them that they are loved and special, and ask them what is bothering them. If they are allowed to vent, their mood will improve tenfold.

R e l i g i o u s - V i e w s

Since Gryffindors are so strongly tied to their family, it is common for them to believe whatever it is they are raised into. Most people do this, but Gryffindors often stick with it, rather than moving along to their own path. They feel if they don’t stick to what they were told as a child to believe, they are betraying their family somehow, which sounds to them like first-degree murder. If they have doubts about the beliefs they were raised into, they will not voice them, simply settling into an agnostic view and staying comfortable in that manner, not choosing what to believe or not believe.

P o l i t i c a l - V i e w s

There will be no attempts here to try and sort any house into any particular political party, but simply how they act within parties. Gryffindors tend to be very political, as their views are incredibly strong and politics are an outlet for them to voice themselves. In fact, it is quite often that politicians are Gryffindors, as they feel comfortable with the debate and social media of it all. Regardless, Gryffindors thrive off of the controversy, and will argue with you for hours if you allow them to, and their opinion will never waver, though they may make you reconsider yours. They just like to watch you quiver, and make it known what they think.

C a r e e r s

Common career and occupational choices among Gryffindors are the ones that they can have socialization in, while remaining strong and adventurous in their mind. This means they can often move into fields either political, athletic, medial or sometimes, in law. Gryffindors unknowingly work among Slytherins quite often, because they work the best with one another, because they are naturally competitive with each other. They fuel each other’s fire, and the snake’s ambition keeps the lion’s blood pumping and this is how they work best. The more passive Gryffindor may also tend toward writing of the non-fiction or journalism category, because it is still an outlet for them to get their thoughts out there and keep others informed.

I d e a l - E n v i r o n m e n t

The ideal environment for a Gryffindor is one where there are many people of many kinds, ones they can work off of and therefore work to the best of their ability. They like places that feel like home, as while they do love adventure, they also need a security blanket. As far as literal environment, Gryffindors tend to warmer places, as it keeps their blood pumping and fuels their inner strength. They may tend toward cities, big or small, in hot to moderate dry places.

S e l f - P e r c e p t i o n

How Gryffindors think they see themselves and how they truly see themselves are two very different things. Gryffindors believe they are down-to-Earth, average Joes who want nothing more than to go through life and have fun. In reality, they view themselves as power houses, with a superiority complex on the side. They thrive off of the opinions of others, however, so they rarely take their self-view into account.

L i f e - M i s s i o n

The life mission of a Gryffindor is simply this: To make a difference, to be molded into history, and have plenty of fun midst the process.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pretty Pretty Pictures

I was cleaning off my camera, and found these....Enjoy.

At the Cabin over Conference Weekend

Lydia & I at "Bite of Las Vegas"
Colbie Caillat

Doodles on some of my white boards at work

Friday, October 7, 2011

Why I love October

Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Our office has a Sense of Humor

I came in this morning to find this on one of my white boards...
This is my response.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Banned Books Week

This week is National Banned Books Week. Here is my list of books from the official LIST of Contested and Banned books this year that I have decided to read in honor of the week.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Betrayed by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why I love Pinterest

Look at the board these were placed in for both of these images. A hot guy was placed in "Little reminders for the soul". I die.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ESPN on Ragnar

Ragnar Round 2

Here we go again. My dad & I survived our second Ragnar Relay, this time in Napa. We flew up to San Francisco on thursday night. We spent the night in a retro looking hotel right out side of the scary red light district. We survived the night, and made our way across the Golden Gate Bridge to Exchange 6 where we waited for Van 1.

I was runner #8, so Heather left the Major Exchange with the baton after which she handed it off to me. My first leg was up what we came to call "The Hill of Death" (pictured below)
I will just say that the experience was joyful, and that there were ambulances waiting at the top and bottom of the HoD. :) Melissa was up next, and ran through some of the most beautiful forest I have ever seen. I would give a lot to live in a place with trees like that. After Melissa, my Dad ran. (yes he got to be a runner this time, not just a driver and this was all he talked about at dinner for months leading up to the race... not an exaggeration.) Parker (our secret weapon) took over after Dad. A quick side-note, Parker is a crazy fast runner. He runs an average pace of 6-7 min/mile, and can keep this up for a while. During our race, he was not feeling well so only ran an 8min mile, all the while his left arm was in a sling. Crazy? Yes. Parker while on his run passed all of the runners who had passed us earlier on the corse. Danny our illustrious captian for SoCal was runner 12. After Danny finished up, we handed off to Van 1 and found a Subway for a quick dinner and made our way to the next major exchange to try and get some sleep.

It is crazy how well a person can sleep in the middle of a major exchange if that person is tired enough. I swear, once you can finally fall asleep, it is some of the deepest sleep of your life. After 1.5/2 hours of sleep we woke up to start our second round. The night legs are usually fairly short and we ran them pretty fast. On our way to our last major exchange we found a great little cafe in Napa. By this point we were pretty punch drunk and breakfast was funny. We found our exchange and plopped down in a random field to nap.

Sometime during the night Heather (runner 6) came down with a stomach bug. She struggled through her last leg like a champ. I lucked out, and ran my last leg thought beautiful vineyards near Napa. It was hard to resist the temptation to hop into one of the fields and "sample" some grapes. The last 4 legs of the race (Melissa, Dad, Parker & Danny) were up these rolling steep hills, but they ran up them like the pros they are.We finished up our 200 miles in the little and picturesque town of Calistoga.

Getting to the finish line and receiving our two metals (one for Napa, one for running both California races) was amazing. We drove all of the way back to San Francisco (the straight drive took about 1.5 hours) where we all showered and headed out for a quick dinner at a Hamburger place Nick raved about called "Bots". Everyone had given up soda and red meat for the month leading up to the race, so the hamburger joint was a delight.

Amazingly enough, our total race time was faster then SoCal (our first race) and yet, the general consensus was that we were a lot less sore than the first time even though most of us felt like we trained less. The rest of the team started their 9+ hour drive home in the morning after a quick breakfast. My Dad and I didn't fly out until 6pm sunday night, so we were able to hang out in the city for the day. Dad and I got to ride on the outside of a cable car, wandered around the pier, watched street performers and wandered around the city. We caught our flight home and unpacked. I basically dumped my duffle bag straight into the washing machine, added 2x the amount of soap and washed the whole load twice and even then I wasn't sure if it was all of the way clean!

We took a week off and then started training for our Las Vegas Ragnar... let the fun begin.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I'm In! I got my email yesterday, and have basically spent every moment sense then thinking about or playing on Pottermore. Its amazing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I seem to have lost my motivation. I don't know where it went, all I know is that it is not here. If anyone knows where it might be, please let me know. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Yes, this really did just happen.

I might have gotten early access to Pottermore, and I might be so excited it hurts.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Old Lady Hobbies

Recently I have taken up quilting again. It is a tradition in our family, that when you graduate High School you get new bedding to take to college. So, as my graduation present to Hailee, I made her a quilt and some pillows for her bed up at school. I am pretty proud of myself for how well it turned out, although I had some serious mishaps along the way.

I feel kind of funny when I say that I like to quilt, because it makes me feel old. Not old as in 30, but old as in 60+. When ever I go into my favorite quilting stores, I am the youngest one in there by at least 20 years. I feel kind of awkward. Not because the other ladies are rude, just that I feel like they look at me and think, "Why are you here? Go home and come back when you have grown up." But, they are always willing to answer my questions, no matter how stupid they might be.

I have been home alone for the last couple of days, because my family went to Lake Powell without me (again), so I got a lot of sewing done. Friday after work, I came home and popped in a movie and quilted. I continued the movie/quilting joyfulness all day Saturday and on into Sunday. It was great. After I finished everything for Hailee's bedding I even started cutting fabric for my next projects! The following movies were a part of my weekend long Quilting/Movie Marathon....

-Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (x2)
-My Fair Lady
-10 Things I Hate About You
-West Side Story
-Moulin Rouge

I think that Q/M Marathons should happen more often.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dear Mr. Potter & Ms. Rowling,

A few short hours ago, I watched the movie that was the finale to one of the greatest works of literature I have ever experienced. Even though I am no longer a child, I still find comfort, adventure and enjoyment in your pages. As an adult, the lessons that I learned are perhaps even more important than they were when we first became friends.

We were first introduced while I was visiting my Aunt Jennifer across the country. I was around 13 at the time, when my mom had bought Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for me. I started it on the plane, and finished late one night while listening to the pounding Georgia rain. I was thrown head first into a wonderful world that I could never have before imagined. Despite missing the first part of the story I was instantly inthralled. While there, my Aunt took me to a bookstore so I could get the the first book, because I was dying to know what happened.

This obsession for lack of a better term continues still. For more than a decade now I have been almost continually counting down to the next book or movie release date. I remember the day the third book came out, I was a the book store when it opened, and the sales lady didn't know what Harry Potter was, I had to wander the shelves until I found it by myself. How times have changed. I have not missed a midnight premier of a book or movie. (Except for a small problem incurred at the opening of the 3rd movie which was remedied after an all nighter, a small catnap and the first matinée the next morning.)At this last premier, I was teased slightly for wearing my Gryffindor tie all day at work, but for Harry… its worth it.

I am now on my second and in some instances third and forth copies of the books, because I cannot seem to leave them on my shelf. They come everywhere with me, in my backpack, purse, and car, to the lake, to the cabin, in bed, at the grocery store, at the dinner table, everywhere. I was in the middle of the Goblet of fire, and trying to get ready and read in the shower at the same time, it was not one of my most brilliant ideas. But somehow you have become so engrained in my life, that I cannot imagine it without you.

When we met, I was at one of the most confusing stages of life. Leaving childhood, and becoming a teenager was not the smoothest of transitions as my mother can attest. Like Harry and his first experience with the Sorting Hat, I didn't feel good enough to do or be anything special. But as I got to know the young wizards of Harry Potter, they showed me what it meant to be honest and brave and true. Even though I didn't know who I was, I knew who I wanted to become.

As we grew up together, the Harry Potter books became one of the most reliable friends in my life. While doing homework all through Grade School, I would take "Harry Potter Breaks" which unfortunately led to more than a few late nights.

During a particularly difficult couple of years in High School, you were one of the things that helped get me through. After long days of seminary, then school, and after coming home to family obligations and homework, I often curled up with one of the books and read myself to sleep. The adventures and struggles in your world made my problems seem more manageable. My personal world might have been holding on by a thread, but at least I didn't have to deal with a man like Voldemort on top of everything.

Once in collage, I started floundering again. I knew what others expected of me, but I didn't really know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. And then because of my deep and abiding love of books, I sort of fell into begin an English Major. For me, this was like finding my "House". Here were the people who loved the same things that I did, and treasured knowledge and the written word even when it wasn't necessarily "cool". The "Dragon Lady", a professor who was scarily like McGonagall, lead me to friends I still treasure even years later and despite the hundreds of miles in between us.

These same friends helped me survive other dreaded classes that we nicknamed "potions" and professors whom we called "Bins". Harry Potter marathons were joyful and listening to the audio books made cleaning our apartment and cooking meals not only enjoyable, but something to look foreword to.

Harry, you are one of those characters, who had all of the makings of a good friend. You are brave even when afraid, and loyal, and fiercely protective of all of those who fall into your care. You taught me that even if I feel completely inadequate, with hard work (and the occasional help of "Sheer dumb luck") anything, even defeating one of the most evil men of all time, is possible.

I learned from Ron, how to rebound. You make mistakes all of the time, and have the "emotional range of a tea spoon", but still we love you. You might get mad, or fed up with the drama, but you always come back, and are always there when you are needed the most. While Harry and Hermione were arguing over Horcruxes and Hallows, you took the lead, keeping the group going.

Hermione, you and I have a lot in common. From our incurably bushy hair to a love of books that boarders on obsessive. You taught me that it is ok to love learning, even when it gets us labeled as Nerds. From one bushy-haired, bookworm to another, Thank you. Thank you for teaching me that being myself is a wonderful thing.

Oh Neville, you seem to be one of the characters that I gravitated to the most. Despite being a pronounced bibliophile like Hermione, I never felt part of the "In Crowd". Rather I lived on the perimeter and watched. Like you, growing up I was a bit chubby and a bit awkward. But you inspired me, because of all of the characters I think you grew the most. Yes, Harry defeated He Who Must Not Be Named, Ron matured, and Hermione blossomed. But you, you took your insecurities and inadequacies and became their equal.

It started in the DA when you were so determined to learn all that you could. When the announcement of the Death Eaters escape from prison came, you did not hide like some fully trained wizards did. You began pushing yourself, and working harder than anyone in the DA. And then when Harry needed friends the most, you were there to brave the Department of Mysteries, and the fight that waited… eventually facing the woman who was the very reason you grew up without your parents.

When the Trio didn't return to Hogwarts in your 7th year, you stepped up and became the leader that the rest of the students could look up to in their time of need. You stood up to the Carrows, even though you knew there would be dire consequences. And even though their punishments were often painful, you stood true, not only because it was the right thing to do, but because it would make it easier for others to follow your example. Despite everything, you became a leader. Someone who others could aspire to be. Someone who made even the fiercest of grandmothers proud. In the words of Dudley, 'We had to write an essay about our hero at school, Mr. Longbottom*, and I wrote about you." (*slight name change)

Neville, you are the unsung Hero. You were brave when you could have hid, loyal when you could have run, and defied the status quo when it would have been easier to give in. You are truly deserving of the Sword of Gryffindor.

Finally, thank you Ms. Rowling. Thank you for being someone I wanted to be when I grew up. And now that I am "Up", I hope I can somehow do for others what you have done for me. I don't know how yet, but someday I will try to help someone see the good in the world and in themselves just like I learned from you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weekend of Dreams Round 2

This last weekend's cabin trip has been a couple years in the making, and it was soooo worth it. Baby and Nestle came down from Provo, and I met them in the middle at the cabin with some Vegas friends. As we were all chatting and doing puzzles, it was funny to realize how small the world is. The conversation went something like this...
"Do you know _______"
"Yes! He/she is my roommate, cousin, friend, etc"
So funny. More highlights of the weekend included:
-Napping with Baby & Nestle squished in the recliner
-the hike
-Danny jumping into the mud
-Late night Dance Party
-Baby painting my nails
-Trey balancing a chair on his chin

We need to do this again soon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Potter... oh the Joys

I understand that I have been posting more movies than actual posts recently, and I blame it on the upcoming Harry Potter movie, which has to a large extent taken over my brain. Honestly.

Monday, June 27, 2011


The Joy continues.... Thanks Rowling!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I know you might think you do, but trust me.... I have the Worlds BEST Parents.

Within the last 5 days we have celebrated Fathers Day, my Mom's Birthday, and today is my Dad's 50th Birthday. So, as an homage to my fabulous parents I put together....

Top 5 Lessons / Reasons I LOVE my Parents

Work hard and Play Hard. Obviously I like the playing hard part better, but learning how to work is something that I have come to value.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. My mom is a good example of this, sometimes I can get overwhelmed by life in general, but my Mom always helps me put it in perspective.
Family First. Whenever there is an option to do other things, or be other places my parents have always chosen to spend time as a family. Growing up, this is not always what we wanted... but my most treasured memories are when my family was with me, not when I was off doing my own thing.
Forgiveness. We are not all perfect. Say sorry and get over it.
Be NICE! There is no reason to be unkind. Ever.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The NEW one!

Tthe Newest Harry Potter Trailer!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do you want to run a Ragnar?

I laughed so hard watching this I almost CRIED. "It will be Fun!"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Admission, the first step to recovery....


I have a reason to be excited about summer... Seminary is DONE! Not that I didn't love it ( Because I really did) but it will be so nice to be able to sleep in, and think about something other than the lesson that I have to prepare!


God's MBAs: Why Mormon Missions Produce Leaders

This is an article from News Week.... Interesting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Content vs Happy

Recently I have been thinking a lot about the difference between Happiness and Contentment. According to the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) Content means satisfied or "enjoyment of whatever may be desired". Happiness, however is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion; which to me seems to be more content as opposed to happy.To the best of my understanding, Contentment is a state of being while Happiness is a singular emotion.

I listened to a lesson in church recently on being happy. And I got to thinking while I am not always happy with my life, I am usually content. The teacher basically said that in order to be "Good" members of the church, we have to be happy (ALL the time). I might not necessarily agree with this, but I do think that trying to be happy is a good thing. And I thought that striving for consistent happiness in ones life seems to be asking quite a lot. (For example: half of the time I am proud of myself for making to Seminary awake and on time... and I am suppose happy at that time of the morning? Really?)

Because of my personality, I think being happy is going to take a bit of work. (Not that I am unwilling to try, it will just take a bit of effort.) So, while I am already mostly content with life, I will also strive to be happy.

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

- James M. Barrie

Friday, June 3, 2011

How is it JUNE?

I would like a refund on the past 5 months, where did they go? I think it really should only be April(ish). I know people say that time flyes when you are having fun, but why does it fly the rest of the time? I have a list of goals that I made at the beginning of the year, (not resolutions... I never do those) and I realized that I have hardly started working on any of them. I am so not ready for June to be here. Summer: Yes, June: NO.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I have a new favorite nail polish, normally I am an OPI person, but this color by essie is Summer in a bottle. And when I saw the name, I had to smile.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend of Dreams

This weekend I headed to Provo to visit my Dear Sweets. It was amazing beyond words.

Nestle, Jessica, Allison (the Goddess of Zumba) Baby, Me

Smiling AND not tipping, we can multitask.

Oh yes, we steered ourselves through the tunnel perfectly, a display of our Amazing Canoe driving abilities.


Can we sit on this?

When I grow up, I want one of these...

TheWeekend of Dreams included:
Dinner at Bombay House
Amazing People Watching
Wandering around Provo
French Toast from Kneaders
Wandering around BYU & the BYU Bookstore
Campus Craft and Floral
The Belnap Ho-down at "Boogie Farm"
Riding in a Canoe
Not tipping before mentioned Canoe
Wandering through pretty houses at"The Compound"
The "Brokeback Moment"
Allison's Mothering Instincts
Creamery Mint Chocolate Brownies
Church with my Dear Sweets (more amazing People Watching)
Saturday AND Sunday naps with Dear Sweets

All things considered, it was absolutely perfect.

Evidence (Future Blackmail) of the "BrokeBack Moment"