If some one would have told me I would run for fun and it would become a slight addiction, I would have laughed in their face and called them a big fat liar. But that is exactly what happened. Some friends asked if I wanted to run a relay with them, and I (not being a runner of any sort) said "Sure! Sounds like fun."
Well, I obviously didn't know what I was volunteering for, and when I looked it up, I about fell over. 200 miles in 24 hours, are you KIDDING ME? But, it was too late to back out and I am not a quitter, so I started running. And running, and running. This was about 2 months ago, and I'm hooked. I ran 5 miles before work yesterday, and have been running about that almost every day. (Although if its before work, I usually only have time for 3-4)
About 18 months ago, My Dear Sweet Leslie blogged about her love for running. Even though I love her a whole lot, I thought she might be a little crazy… ( or a lot crazy, but we won't go there… a marathon, seriously?) But now, here I am blogging about running and liking it. Just add me to the crazy list. Below are the pictures of my "Legs" of the race…. kind of scared, but kind of really excited too. (go figure)
gosh, you are my hero.
but i still think youre crazy
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