The List...eventually this will all be blogged about. Eventually.
Leaving Provo
Dark Nail polish
Mothers Day
Over-zealous parents at sporting events
Glen Beck
Rafting for the cure
Sorry. I figure that because I haven’t posted in so long, I might as well start off with an apology. But, (my semi-plausible excuse) a lot has been going on, I graduated (yay me) moved back to Vegas, Unpacked (a major accomplishment) and have been trying to adjust to the all around different not Provo life.
So, Finals. I don’t think that I have ever been as happy, or as weirded out as when I finished my last final exam. (English 395…the last time slot: 8-10pm on the last day) I was walking across campus, (glad to get away from “Stupid Head” more than anything else) when it hit me. I was Done. Done. I am pretty sure that I stopped in the middle of a sidewalk on campus at 10:00 Wednesday night trying to wrap my finals-mushed brain around the idea.
The next day, Leslie and I made our way with Aubrey to the first part of Graduation at the Marriott Center. In hindsight, I probably should have walked slower and looked around a bit more, because it was the last day that I would walk from Chatamtowne to campus and back. Weird. We went, sat and listened to the speakers and the whole time, I wondered if I had developed an extreme case of late onset A.D.D., I couldn't’t sit still or focus on what was going on. After it was done, we took pictures (lots of them…thanks dad!) and went to Macaroni Grill for dinner with the De La Vega’s (my brothers soon to be In-laws…sigh)
Well this is all you get for now. More to come later.